Monday 24 January 2011

Day 18

Awoke to a pretty nasty surprise today—Chlamydia. Nope, nothing to do with me, but after I'd polished off an authentic Scottish fry-up that my Aunt Margaret had made and my cousin Sarah had headed out to work, I made a worrying discovery as to what might have been at the root of her illness. When I went down to the basement to use the computer I looked at the screen only to be greeted by a webpage detailing the symptoms of Chlamydia. It was only her and Kevin who'd been down here, so either Sarah is worried that she has it—hence the illness and decision perhaps, to dump Artur—or Kevin has it, which means it would be inadvisable for Sarah to contemplate getting back together with the guy. I don't know which explanation is more plausible; he does seem pretty besotted with her so maybe the former. That said it could just be coincidence—a form of sexual health hypochondria if you like. Either way, I got an insight into a relative's sex life that I could have done without in all honesty.

Aunt Margaret took me to Square One shopping mall and I saw a Toronto Maple Leafs tracksuit top that I kinda liked, but when she started intimating that she was going to buy it for me I made out that I was swaying over it. She doesn't have a full-time job so I didn't want her to spend money needlessly. Today was the day I was meeting up with Margaret Rose too, which went without a hitch and there was no awkward meeting between her and my Aunt Margaret, because the latter disappeared quick smart when I was meeting the former—almost like you see in films or cartoons where the person vanishes into the mist or some hissing smoke! So a family feud avoided and I made everybody happy as I always endeavour to do!

Went back to Uncle Eddie's, while Fe and Aunt Margaret went to see a filming of Battle of the Blades (pictured below), which is kinda like Dancing on Ice with former NHL stars and figure skaters. When they came back we had a feast of Thai food, before Fe retreated into a corner to play with her Nintendo DS, audibly annoyed when she answered a question incorrectly on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Uncle Eddie and myself watched the NFL games, which I'm getting into more than ever. If the games were on at a decent hour back home and I had satellite TV, I'd watch them all the time.

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