Wednesday 5 January 2011

Day 17

I've said it before and I'll say it again, that Scarborough Celtic Supporters Club is good luck for watching matches in. 9-0 we humped Aberdeen today, that's right 9-0! Two red cards too for either, so you can say what you want about Lennon's Celtic, but they are anything but dull! The only thing that was slightly dull was the old fella from last week, talking about planes, trains and automobiles again. At one point he actually asked me what kind of plane the airline Emirates used for their UK flights! I get the feeling that my answer of 'a big one' was probably not what he was looking for. He's a nice enough fella but chatting about machines doesn't excite me, I'm not a petrolhead. Uncle Eddie was in fine fettle too, which I guess was made easier by the fact that we were winning by a sizeable margin, but the banter was great. He does this thing too that whenever he cracks a joke he gets louder and louder, which is quite funny! Was chuffed for my niece Maria back home because she was at the game in my absence. She'd have enjoyed seeing goal after goal, go in. I just hope she doesn't think it's like that every week though!

After the game Uncle Eddie and myself enjoyed the delicious burgers served up by a place called the South Burger Company (pictured below). Well Uncle Eddie was enjoying his until Fe texted to tell him that she wanted to go to Sherway Gardens to get the Nintendo DS she wanted. She'd been going on about it all week like a kid! I thought that I'd missed the games console generation too, but apparently not! I spent the afternoon at Uncle Eddie's setting up both a DVD player and a VHS to DVD converter and then dismantling both, the former because it wasn't a multi-region player—despite the sales guy's claims—and the latter because it took the length of time that the original VHS lasts to convert it, so that was a bit of a waste for Uncle Eddie. Best just buying a multi-region DVD player online and getting someone else to convert your old VHS tapes.

Aunt Margaret picked me up at 5.30pm—fag in hand! Went out to her place and had my Da's favourite Saturday night dinner of pie, chips and beans. Sarah's a fan too so she must have inherited a Scottish palette. She also said that she was going out, despite being unwell too, so she's also inherited the Scots love of drinking no matter what! We were going out tonight in Oakville, the next big town west of Mississauga, and Sarah was stressing out about not having her passport to gain access into the club. Turned out Artur—who is now apparently her ex-boyfriend—has it. I say ex-boyfriend because she had all his stuff dumped in a binbag in her room, so I took that as a fairly obvious sign. Sarah gathered up every single bit of ID that she had before we left: birth certificate, driver's licence—the lot. I don't think it would have been a problem in any case, bouncers (pictured below) always let good-looking girls in anyway and some not so good-looking ones too in the hope of getting their end away with at least one of them. More often than not it works too because, let's face it, most girls who go clubbing are idiots.

When we arrived at the club, two of the more intelligent specimens in the queue were quite taken by the kilt and when Sarah found out that they went to a Catholic school in Mississauga, I jokingly said 'that's the best religion,' to which they replied 'we're Muslim!' Sarah had also pointed out how well-stacked they were, leading to a gag about getting a Muslim motorboat! (Motorboating example pictured below) Sounds a bit like a cocktail actually! After Sarah had showed the bouncer her life in paper form, we were in, for nothing too as her friend was on the door. Bonus too, because the taxi seemed a bit steep at $35! I swear that the meter had been tampered with beforehand too because it was accumulating quarters so fast!

The club itself was similar to the one the week previously albeit a bit bigger. Again there was no real defined dancefloor, with the biggest area also having a bar plonked right in the middle of it. Some of Sarah's friends were in too, three females and a little weedy fella who was like a cross between Screech (pictured below) from Saved By The Bell and the guy from Weird Al Yankovic's White 'N' Nerdy video. He was a try-hard, I'll give him that, grinding his bony arse up against any girl in the vicinity. I did a bit of exploring again and somehow ended up in the VIP section, where some arsehole of a bird took it upon herself to try and escort me out while making some snidey comments. I tried to get Sarah to find her later and maybe give her a dig in the ribs, but to no avail. In spite of an animated dance with the Muslim queue girls, I just wasn't really feeling this place much and wasn't too bothered when Sarah's ex-boyfriend Kevin, who she might now be back with—girl's love life is like a soap opera—arrived to pick us up. Got some post-club food from McDonalds on the way home, and for some reason a root beer, which almost made me vomit. Truly horrible stuff. Aunt Margaret was up when we arrived home, so she's either an insomniac or she has the same affliction my Ma has, where sleep is foregone for nosiness sakes! I had nothing but drunken ramblings to share with her. Sarah might have had a bit more, with an old boyfriend back on the scene!

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