Tuesday 30 November 2010

Day 11

No hangover! That's a surprise given I was out with Sarah! Don't think the same could be said of her though. She looked shattered and worse still she had to go to work, on a Sunday as well! Still I doubt she gave anyone a blue rinse by accident so that's the main thing! Aunt Margaret got up and had begun preparing things for dinner—Uncle Eddie and Fe were coming up—but we nipped out to the supermarket to get some more stuff. Aunt Margaret does the kind of shopping that I like—a few necessities for the meal topped up with goodies like crisps, chocolate, sweets and blueberry bagels (pictured below). That's my kinda haul! Uncle Eddie phoned when we got back to say that he and Fe wouldn't be up until 2.30pm. I think this was mainly because he was watching the American Football matches at home. Aunt Margaret and I just sat and chatted for a while until they arrived. I know that Sarah said about her Mum having a drink problem and maybe she does, but her main problem I think is a lack of company and conversation, something to keep her occupied along with a job, obviously. She does have her faults, but she also has a lot of good points too, she just has to let them shine through and breathe a little more and stay away from phones and computers when she's drunk. That is advice that is pretty much universal!

When Fe and Uncle Eddie arrived, he quickly retreated to the TV room, while Fe helped out in the kitchen. I know feminists would probably be reading this with a fair degree of horror, but I think Fe actually likes doing housework (like the lady in the advertisment below), cooking and so on. I tried to do my own washing the other day, but she was having none of it. She was quite protective of the washing machine and dryer! I also tried to be the modern man and tell her to take a break from helping out in the kitchen, but she wouldn't hear of that either. I think her and my Uncle Eddie go together well in the sense that he likes being looked after and she likes looking after him. A win-win situation.

The roast dinner was awesome, my compliments to the chef! And the white chocolate and raspberry cake for dessert—which Uncle Eddie seemed keen to get stuck into—was great too, so compliments to the bakers! It was a perfect lazy Sunday, exactly the way a Sunday should be!

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