Wednesday 15 December 2010

Day 14

Today was a massive improvement guitar-wise. I managed to run through the setlist—my songs and the covers—with few hitches and the hitches I did have, I covered up pretty well. I guess that's the beauty of playing somewhere where you aren't known; you can get away with the odd blip here and there. I had planned to meet April today and hang around for a bit downtown. I think I said so before but she lived with her Mum, Winnie, next door to my Gran and Papa and we've known each other for years. She hasn't changed a bit too and still likes doing all the stuff we usually do when we're downtown like checking out all the record and book stores, going for food and to the cinema and so on.

I met her at Royal York station, which is five minutes away from my Uncle Eddie's flat and the station that is nearest to her house and subsequently my Gran and Papa's old house. It's the station that reminds me most of my childhood so I didn't mind walking to it. I dragged April out to a station a little off the beaten track called 'Pape,' (pictured below) so I couldn't resist getting my photo taken next to the sign—Pape is a derogatory term used by some people towards those of the Catholic Faith, so I'm taking it back and empowering it! We hit Sonic Boom records first but my stomach was feeling a little dodgy so I sought out a bathroom along the street in a Starbucks to remedy the situation. I can't think of anywhere better to take a shit than in a soulless, monolithic coffee shop. Back at Sonic Boom I picked up a Blake Babies’ album and an old Juliana Hatfield one, so two purchases more or less in the same ballpark but they are harder to come by back home. Could have easily gotten more CDs but some were pretty expensive and I reckon for some bands/artists I can get their stuff cheaper back home. We stooped for a shawarma on our way down Yonge St—the guy in there probably knows my name by now given the business he's had from me. Outside there was a black guy dressed in Saudi attire carrying a replica Stanley Cup he had made from cardboard and tin foil. So he was our nutter for today, albeit a harmless one.

A trip to HMV proved fruitless, but in Sunrise Records, I got my Uncle Eddie and Fe two excellent foreign DVDs: The Lives Of Others and Black Book—both starring the fantastic actor Sebastian Koch (pictured below). It's always hit or miss with DVDs because my Uncle Eddie sees so many films, but I gambled on those two. I picked up some Disney-themed toys for my niece Monica and a Nintendo DS game fr my other niece Maria, so it's obvious which one is older. Again, a Nintendo DS game is a gamble, as Maria seems to have quite a few. As for myself I was trying to get a Boston Celtics tracksuit top, which was $90, but the Adidas store never had them in my size. I was cursing my luck until I happened upon the same top in Sportchek, which was cheaper by $20 and despite going over the stitching with a fine tooth comb and realising some of it wasn't the best, I decided to get myself one.

We hit a place called Johnny Rockets (pictured below) for food after we were shopped out. It's identical in all but name to the Irish chain known as Eddie Rockets. It's an old-school style diner with 1950s music, burgers, hot dogs, shakes and all that jazz. I plumped for a chili dog and a strawberry milkshake—a combination that seemed to make April gag a little but it was good. Headed back home after that. I suggested catching a movie but April was working at 4am so it was a no-go. Promised to meet her again before I flew home.

Back at Uncle Eddie's, my Aunt Margaret phoned. She wanted to take me to some place called 'Enzo's' in Mississauga when I go there at the weekend. As I'd still to see Margaret Rose—my Dad's cousin—I thought I could double that up but those two don't get along anymore so my Aunt Margaret ruled it out. I love visiting family, but sometimes trying to please everyone can be more than a little draining!

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